Line-Item Discounts

Line-Item Discounts offer a way to provide customer discounted pricing, while showing the regular price and discount percentage for each line item.

Line-Item Discounts let you enter a percentage discount for individual line items on sales transactions. With Use Discounts checked in the Item Prefs, a column for the discount appears on Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices, built-in forms include layouts listing the discounts, and tools for assigning a global discount for a given customer or to a whole transaction are available. This Solution describes this feature. (5860)

Line Item Discounts let you enter a percentage discount for individual line items on sales transactions. You can also enter a global discount for a given Customer or to apply to a whole transaction.

To Enable Line Item Discounts:
1. Open the Item Prefs
2. Click the Use Discounts checkbox
3. Click OK to save the Item Prefs

Line Item Discounts are supported by the following changes:
- Discount column and button appear on the Quote
- Discount column and button appear on the Expanded tab* of the Sales Order
- Discount column and button appear on the Expanded tab* of the Invoice
- forms including a Discount column appear for Quote, Sales Order, and Invoice
- a Discount field appears on the History tab of the Customer Card
* The Expanded tab is the second tab or page of the Sales Order or Invoice and can be set as the default view in the Customer Prefs, in the SO or Invoice Prefs.

Once enabled, Line Item Discounts is very easy to use. Enter a Discount for a Line Item and its Extended Price will be reduced by the percentage entered. In the picture "20" has been entered as the Discount and one, $10 item has been reduced by 20 percent to an $8.00 Extended Price.

To apply a discount to all items on a transaction, click the Discount button (-%) and enter the discount. To automatically apply a discount to all items for a particular customer, open the Customer Card and on the History tab enter the Discount.

  Discount Fields

Discount Fields are updated for Apple. These include Customer History, Invoice Expanded, Invoice Billing, Quote Expanded, Order Expanded, and Order Billing.

  Discounts Printing

Formatting changes resulted in Discounts not printing on built-in forms with Discount.

This problem is fixed in Big Business 13.73 and Big Business 14.30.