Chapter 54 WooCommerce Connect

This chapter describes WooCommerce Connect tools and features, which are found in System toolbar and tools. (7058)

WooCommerce Connect makes it easy to connect and share data with the ecommerce solution, WooCommerce. Setup is divided into three steps: Registration, Settings, and Mappings.

WooCommerce Connect is fully customizable, so there are some choices to make. To start, use basic settings to see how it works. Then revise your settings to get the results you want. Support includes unlimited setup help, and we are happy to connect and configure for you.

Registration is the first step. This turns on WooCommerce Connect and its tools. You will receive an email with Registration Code and step-by-step instructions for setup.

Settings is the next step, entering the credentials WooCommerce Connect needs. Open the Company card again and go to the Company Prefs tab and click the on the WooCommerce Settings button. Enter the appropriate settings, choosing Automatic for mappings.

Mappings let you change what goes where, if you need. Go to the WooCommerce tool on the System toolbar. Select a Mapping from the list and make needed changes. Then, click Save As... in the lower right and save your new Mapping ("MyWooOrders").

You can return to Settings in the Company Prefs tab of Company card to select your new Mappings and turn on Auto-Import when settings are complete. Or, go to the WooCommerce tool on the System toolbar to import a batch.

  WooCommerce Connect

WooCommerce Connect automatically connects Big Business to your WooCommerce store. Fully automatic and fully customizable, WooCommerce Connect lets you get new customers and orders as they come in, or in batches when you are ready to process.

This Solution provides a quick overview. (6807)

WooCommerce Connect is simple. It works like an Import to automatically create new customers and orders. It is fast, connecting to your store to retrieve new orders in an instant. And it is flexible, running by itself, or only when needed with a few clicks.

  WooCommerce Registering

This Solution describes Registering WooCommerce Connect. (7059)

To Register Woo Connect:

1. Go to System toolbar, Company card, and click Upgrade.
2. Click WooCommerce to open the Registration dialog.
3. Enter your Registration code.
4. Click Continue.
5. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog.
6. Click OK to Save the Company card.
7. Quit and restart Big Business Client.

To register you will need a code from This lets us check for conflicts and send the right instructions before you turn on.

For the Demo File the Registration code is 121. This works with the 1-User download that automatically opens the Jillian Jellybeans demo.

Please request a Trial code if you would like to test with your own Data File. Or, if you purchase Enterprise Edition, let us know when you are ready to go and we will send a permanent Registration code along with tailored setup instructions.

  WooCommerce Setup

To connect Big Business to WooCommerce you need to log into your Wordpress Dashboard to create a Key for the REST API.

• set Read/Write access
• copy Consumer Key and Consumer Secret into Big Business

This Solution tells you how to generate an API Key. (7060)

To create credentials for WooCommerce:
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard
2. Go to WooCommerce, Settings, Advanced tab, REST API
3. Click the button to "Add key".
4. Enter a Description like "bigbusiness"
5. Set Permissions to "Read/Write"
6. Click Generate API Key
WooCommerce will generate an API Key.

Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret into WooCommerce Settings in Big Business.

  WooCommerce Settings

To connect Big Business needs an API Key from WooCommerce. These are generated in the WooCommerce Setup described previously and copied into WooCommerce Settings in Big Business.

This Solution tells you how to enter credentials from WooCommerce into Big Business. (7061)

For WooCommerce Settings:

1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company card, to the Company Prefs tab.
2. Click the WooCommerce button and the WooCommerce Settings will open.
3. Edit the Endpoint entry to use your store name
4. Copy and Paste Consumer Key
5. Copy and Paste Consumer Secret
6. Click Test button to test the connection.
7. Click OK to Save settings and then click OK to Save the Company Card.

  WooCommerce Status

WooCommerce Connect finds Orders to import by using their Status. "Get Orders With Status" should be set to "Processing". "Set Orders to Status" should be set to "Completed".

WooCommerce Statuses include:
Pending - order received but unpaid
Processing - order is awaiting fulfillment
Completed - order is fulfilled

For WooCommerce Status Settings:

1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company card, to the Company Prefs tab.
2. Click the WooCommerce button and the WooCommerce Settings will open.
3. For Get Orders with Status, choose Processing.
4. For Set Orders to Status, choose Completed.
5. Click OK to Save settings and then click OK to Save the Company Card.

  WooCommerce Imports

WooCommerce Connect uses import mappings to bring in data from WooCommerce. To start, choose Automatic for both Import Customers and Import Orders. Then if you need additional information, create your own mappings. (7067)

For WooCommerce Import Settings:

1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company card, to the Company Prefs tab.
2. Click the WooCommerce button and the WooCommerce Settings will open.
3. For Import Customers choose Automatic or a new mapping you have created
4. For Import Orders choose Automatic or a new mapping you have created
5. Click OK to Save settings and then click OK to Save the Company Card.

  WooCommerce Store

WooCommere Connect can automatically assign a Store to new Orders being imported.

Stores is an option for Big Business to help manage sales by store--including your different locations, brands, or e-commerce sites. Stores replace Channels, adding features and ease of use like automatic accounting, cash drawers, and more

This Solution tells you how to enter credentials from WooCommerce into Big Business. (7061)

For WooCommerce Store Settings:

1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company card, to the Company Prefs tab.
2. Click the WooCommerce button and the WooCommerce Settings will open.
3. Set Store to the entry you want assigned to new Orders.
4. Click OK to Save settings and then click OK to Save the Company Card.

  WooCommerce Error

WooCommerce Connect will respond with an Error if there are any problems with a request. If you turn on Auto-Connect you will receive any errors in a Note.

Big Business requires that you map IDs (error pictured).

This Solution provides details. (7062)

WooCommerce Connect will respond with an Error if there are any problems with a request. If you turn on Auto-Connect you will receive any errors in a Note.

For example, WooCommerce Connect requires that you map IDs. This is done for you when you choose Automatic or create a new Mapping.

If you have an older mapping from a previous version, or you edit the mapping to not include IDs, or there is a problem with alignment, you may get this error.

It is also possible to get errors as JSON like:

{"code":"woocommerce_rest_authentication_error","message":"The API key provided does not have write permissions.","data":{"status":401}}

{"code":"rest_invalid_param","message":"Invalid parameter(s): status","data":{"status":400,"params":{"status":"status is not one of pending, processing, on-hold, completed, cancelled, refunded, failed."}}}

  WooCommerce Auto-Connect

WooCommerce Connect can run automatically to check for new orders. Select someone to Send Notifications To and click the Auto-Connect checkbox, once you have tested your other settings. (7068)

For WooCommerce Auto-Connect Setting:

1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company card, to the Company Prefs tab.
2. Click the WooCommerce button and the WooCommerce Settings will open.
3. Set Send Notifications To by selecting an Employee to receive Notes with any errors.
4. Click the checkbox for Auto-Connect.
5. Click OK to Save settings and then click OK to Save the Company Card.

  WooCommerce Update

Big Business 14 updates WooCommerce Connect to add Delete and Advanced control.