Cash Drawer automatically combines Customer Payments by Store to make Deposits easy.
In Store Prefs you can select Payment Methods for Cash, Check, and Card. Cash Payment Method engages features to make change from a tendered amount. It also lets you have the same or different Payment Method for Cash for different Stores, which can help speed up tasks like counting out or making a deposit.
In Store Prefs you can select Payment Methods for Cash, Check, and Card. Cash Payment Method engages features to make change from a tendered amount. It also lets you have the same or different Payment Method for Cash for different Stores, which can help speed up tasks like counting out or making a deposit.
In Store Prefs you can select Payment Methods for Cash, Check, and Card. Cash Payment Method engages features to make change from a tendered amount. It also lets you have the same or different Payment Method for Cash for different Stores, which can help speed up tasks like counting out or making a deposit.
In Store Prefs you can select Payment Methods for Cash, Check, and Card. Cash Payment Method engages features to make change from a tendered amount. It also lets you have the same or different Payment Method for Cash for different Stores, which can help speed up tasks like counting out or making a deposit.