Orders Released

Orders Released lets you show which orders are released to be filled.

  Orders Shipped

Orders Shipped lets you show which orders are ready for invoicing.

  Orders Response

Orders Response shows you alerts from any action like Mark Released for orders.

Pictured is a selection of 4 orders and we have clicked Mark, Released. Big Business has set the Reponse to "On Hold" for the order which is not able to be released. The remaining orders have been successfully changed and their Status is now Released.

  Controls Tab

Controls is a new Tab on the Employee card for added security and controls options, such as whether the employee can use Mark Released to release on order to be filled.

Controls let you set permissions, like being able to to change the status of an order to Shipped so it can be invoiced, but locked so its items cannot be changed accidentally.

This lets you design a process for fulfillment with Controls for each step you require.

  Orders Checkboxes

Orders Checkboxes let you see the state of new Status options, such as Released, so it is easier to work in the Orders window using the MRP Add-On for planning.

  Chapter 327 Orders Controls

Orders Controls are implemented with the MRP Add-On to let you control workflow.

Big Business shows you order totals for an item, like Allocated for open sales orders, On Order for purchase orders, and Needed for what you might need to buy or build.

MRP shows you order details for an item, like Allocated for each sales order line item, so you can plan which orders can be released to fill now and which should wait. (7516)