Pictures are updated to work with Upload, Image, and Docs tools to keep all pictures. BigBusiness stores originals, creates thumbnail images, and keeps them in edge storage.
Picture Prefs let you Show images for items and choose Fast for instantly displaying.
This chapter will list changes that are added for saving, showing, and sending pictures.
Picture Prefs let you Show an image on items and choose Fast for instantly displaying.
Shown is the Compact view of an Item card with the new Thumb Image in the center, and Detail Description moved right using the settings for Show Images or Fast Images.
Picture Prefs are available in My Prefs for yourself and Company Prefs for everyone. Use Employees Search options to Add(+) or Update to set each employee as needed.
Big Business updates Pictures to use modern thumbnails and edge storage for speed.
Upload button on the Item card is updated to work the same on Mac and Windows. Pictures are stored the same and available for conversion to a Thumb Image on Item.
Previously, Windows Pictures worked differently and did not store pictures like Mac.
Picture Prefs let you choose to Show Images to see a Thumb Image on the Item card.
If you have Pictures added already in Upload, BigBusiness will create a Thumb Image.
Indexes are added to Pictures for fast lookup of alternates, originals, and thumb images.