A/R Agings

Big Business 10.18 adds new Aging reports to test:
Accounts Receivable Aging by Due Date
Accounts Receivable Aging by Due Date (Summary)

These reports are:
- for audit using As Of to back date
- complete without Searches to filter
- Export-only, while testing
- Cloud-Server optimized
- Faster than other backdated agings


  A/R Custom Fields

A/R Custom Fields lets you select 1, or 2, or 3 Customer Fields to insert in A/R Aging.

Click this checkbox in Reports Prefs. Then, run one of the 4 reports titled, A/R Aging. After Customer Search and As Of Date, choose a Field and OK or click Cancel to skip.

This will insert the fields you select into the Customer information displayed for each.

  A/R Cutoff Date

Cutoff is an optimization for remote reporting and dashboard display for power users.

You do not need this setting for fast reports. You need this setting with 30+ users and the data they generate being better when presorted. Do not use with reckless abandon.

Please contact support@bigbusiness.com if you need help with remote optimizations.

  Chapter 306 Receivables

Accounts Receivable is a key function of Big Business. There are options to set Terms, issue Statements, and generate Reports to manage and reconcile Receivables.

This chapter provides a fresh introduction starting with the newest A/R Reports.

  A/R Aging

The A/R Aging report will provide a listing of open receivables as of a specific date. This report includes a Customer Search to report only specific customers. This report includes prepaids and total for unreported customers to simplify reconciling.

A/R Aging reports are updated in Big Business 13.26, to handle Refunds of Payments, and become the first with Report Help entries. There are four A/R Agings: (Detail) and Summary and By Due Date, (Detail) and Summary.

  A/R Aging Summary

The A/R Aging report will provide a listing of open receivables as of a specific date. This report includes a Customer Search to to report only specific customers. This report includes prepaids and total for unreported customers to simplify reconciling.

  A/R Aging by Due Date

The A/R Aging report will provide a listing of open receivables as of a specific date. This report includes a Customer Search to to report only specific customers. This report includes prepaids and total for unreported customers to simplify reconciling.

  A/R Aging by Due Date Summary

The A/R Aging report will provide a listing of open receivables as of a specific date. This report includes a Customer Search to to report only specific customers. This report includes prepaids and total for unreported customers to simplify reconciling.

Big Business 14.50 fixes the Summary report to include the Terms from the Customer. The Detail report shows the Terms for each Invoice, which may be different for each.