Images Controls

Images Controls are part of the Images Add-On to help customize upload and sharing.

Images is a tool on the Controls toolbar where BigBusiness will have convert options. If you have Pictures added in Upload, these can be converted to faster Thumb Images.

  Chapter 132 Images Admin

Images Admin helps you manage any images saved in BigBusiness to meet your needs.

With the option to Drag into Thumb Image, you can add files to keep or Send in email. BigBusiness will automatically create a smaller image to show or load quickly in Items.

This chapter helps you set options to automactically convert Pictures you have saved. If you want to add images to emails, quotes, printouts, or PDFs, it will help there, too.

  Convert Pictures

Upload on the Item card lets you add high-quality pictures for upload to a web catalog.

Convert Pictures helps use these as images in Big Business by converting and re-sizing.

  Image Format

Thumb Image on the Item card uses a transparent format. This allows new AI images.

  Open Picture

Double-clicking an image converted from an Upload picture will open as file in viewer.

Convert Pictures uses existing Upload images to create Thumb Image on the Item card. Double-clicking to view, opens the picture as a file in a picture viewer on your system.

  Item Pics

Big Business 15 adds Item Pics to let you use pictures of high quality with high speed.