Chapter 223 Shopify Admin

This chapter covers improvements you might make to get more from Shopify Connect.

The basic function is to bring in Customers and Orders, to save you time and mistakes.
The basic setup makes the connection and has you choose Automatic settings to start.

By customizing the workflow, the data brought in, and the data put back, you can make significant improvements, when ready, to make processing even more seamless.

  Shopify Properties

Big Business 14 extends the list of Properties available for mapping Shopify Orders.

As noted elsewhere, the Summer '23 Edition of Shopify adds PONumber to Orders, so this new property and a many others are now in the list, Fields Available for Insertion.

This Solution provides a checklist of included Properties, which might help you spot the one you need. Or, email to to see if we already know.

- [x] current_total_tax
- [x] id
- [x] app_id
- [x] total_discounts
- [x] billing_address/country
- [x] billing_address/phone
- [x] billing_address/address1
- [x] billing_address/address2
- [x] billing_address/first_name
- [x] billing_address/city
- [x] billing_address/last_name
- [x] billing_address/company
- [x] billing_address/province
- [x] billing_address/name
- [x] billing_address/zip
- [x] billing_address/province_code
- [x] billing_address/country_code
- [x] billing_address/latitude
- [x] billing_address/longitude
- [x] updated_at
- [x] confirmation_number
- [x] current_total_price_set/current_total_price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] current_total_price_set/current_total_price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] current_total_price_set/current_total_price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] current_total_price_set/current_total_price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] browser_ip
- [x] total_line_items_price
- [x] cancelled_at
- [x] gateway
- [x] processed_at
- [x] total_price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] total_price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] total_price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] total_price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] current_total_price
- [x] buyer_accepts_marketing
- [x] checkout_token
- [x] payment_gateway_names
- [x] payment_gateway_names
- [x] cancel_reason
- [x] cart_token
- [x] company/id
- [x] company/location_id
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications/target_type
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications/value_type
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications/title
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications/type
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications/description
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications/target_selection
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications/value
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications/allocation_method
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[2]/target_type
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[2]/value_type
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[2]/type
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[2]/description
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[2]/target_selection
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[2]/value
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[2]/allocation_method
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[3]/target_type
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[3]/value_type
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[3]/type
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[3]/code
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[3]/target_selection
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[3]/value
- [x] discount_applications/discount_applications[3]/allocation_method
- [x] original_total_additional_fees_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] original_total_additional_fees_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] original_total_additional_fees_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] original_total_additional_fees_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] client_details/user_agent
- [x] client_details/accept_language
- [x] client_details/browser_ip
- [x] client_details/browser_height
- [x] client_details/browser_width
- [x] client_details/session_hash
- [x] name
- [x] closed_at
- [x] created_at
- [x] presentment_currency
- [x] current_subtotal_price_set/current_subtotal_price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] current_subtotal_price_set/current_subtotal_price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] current_subtotal_price_set/current_subtotal_price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] current_subtotal_price_set/current_subtotal_price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] total_tax_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] total_tax_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] total_tax_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] total_tax_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] refunds/id
- [x] refunds/processed_at
- [x] refunds/order_id
- [x] refunds/user_id
- [x] refunds/created_at
- [x] refunds/note
- [x] total_tax
- [x] currency
- [x] current_total_discounts
- [x] current_total_additional_fees_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] current_total_additional_fees_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] current_total_additional_fees_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] current_total_additional_fees_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] payment_details/avs_result_code
- [x] payment_details/credit_card_bin
- [x] payment_details/cvv_result_code
- [x] payment_details/credit_card_number
- [x] payment_details/credit_card_company
- [x] phone
- [x] current_total_discounts_set/current_total_discounts_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] current_total_discounts_set/current_total_discounts_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] current_total_discounts_set/current_total_discounts_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] current_total_discounts_set/current_total_discounts_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] current_total_duties_set/current_total_duties_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] current_total_duties_set/current_total_duties_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] current_total_duties_set/current_total_duties_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] current_total_duties_set/current_total_duties_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] current_subtotal_price
- [x] fulfillment_status
- [x] estimated_taxes
- [x] current_total_tax_set/current_total_tax_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] current_total_tax_set/current_total_tax_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] current_total_tax_set/current_total_tax_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] current_total_tax_set/current_total_tax_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] source_url
- [x] customer/id
- [x] customer/updated_at
- [x] customer/tags
- [x] customer/email
- [x] customer/first_name
- [x] customer/accepts_marketing
- [x] customer/verified_email
- [x] customer/created_at
- [x] customer/last_name
- [x] customer/note
- [x] customer/state
- [x] customer/multipass_identifier
- [x] customer/tax_exempt
- [x] customer/currency
- [x] customer/phone
- [x] customer/admin_graphql_api_id
- [x] customer_locale
- [x] discount_codes/code
- [x] discount_codes/type
- [x] discount_codes/amount
- [x] email
- [x] financial_status
- [x] fulfillments/status
- [x] fulfillments/created_at
- [x] fulfillments/tracking_company
- [x] fulfillments/id
- [x] fulfillments/updated_at
- [x] fulfillments/tracking_number
- [x] fulfillments/order_id
- [x] line_items/id
- [x] line_items/total_discount
- [x] line_items/vendor
- [x] line_items/attributed_staffs/id
- [x] line_items/attributed_staffs/quantity
- [x] line_items/requires_shipping
- [x] line_items/fulfillable_quantity
- [x] line_items/price
- [x] line_items/fulfillment_service
- [x] line_items/fulfillment_status
- [x] line_items/taxable
- [x] line_items/product_id
- [x] line_items/grams
- [x] line_items/quantity
- [x] line_items/sku
- [x] line_items/variant_id
- [x] line_items/title
- [x] line_items/variant_title
- [x] line_items/total_discount_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] line_items/total_discount_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/total_discount_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] line_items/total_discount_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/name
- [x] line_items/gift_card
- [x] line_items/price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] line_items/price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] line_items/price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/properties/name
- [x] line_items/properties/value
- [x] line_items/tax_lines/title
- [x] line_items/tax_lines/price
- [x] line_items/tax_lines/price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] line_items/tax_lines/price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/tax_lines/price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] line_items/tax_lines/price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/tax_lines/channel_liable
- [x] line_items/tax_lines/rate
- [x] line_items/discount_allocations/amount
- [x] line_items/discount_allocations/discount_application_index
- [x] line_items/discount_allocations/amount_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] line_items/discount_allocations/amount_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/discount_allocations/amount_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] line_items/discount_allocations/amount_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/origin_location/address1
- [x] line_items/origin_location/id
- [x] line_items/origin_location/country_code
- [x] line_items/origin_location/address2
- [x] line_items/origin_location/province_code
- [x] line_items/origin_location/zip
- [x] line_items/origin_location/name
- [x] line_items/origin_location/city
- [x] line_items/duties/id
- [x] line_items/duties/harmonized_system_code
- [x] line_items/duties/presentment_money/amount
- [x] line_items/duties/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/duties/country_code_of_origin
- [x] line_items/duties/admin_graphql_api_id
- [x] line_items/duties/shop_money/amount
- [x] line_items/duties/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/duties/tax_lines/title
- [x] line_items/duties/tax_lines/price
- [x] line_items/duties/tax_lines/rate
- [x] line_items/duties/tax_lines/price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] line_items/duties/tax_lines/price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/duties/tax_lines/price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] line_items/duties/tax_lines/price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] line_items/duties/tax_lines/channel_liable
- [x] landing_site
- [x] location_id
- [x] merchant_of_record_app_id
- [x] note
- [x] note_attributes/name
- [x] note_attributes/value
- [x] number
- [x] order_number
- [x] original_total_duties_set/original_total_duties_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] original_total_duties_set/original_total_duties_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] original_total_duties_set/original_total_duties_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] original_total_duties_set/original_total_duties_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] payment_terms/payment_terms_name
- [x] payment_terms/amount
- [x] payment_terms/payment_terms_type
- [x] payment_terms/currency
- [x] payment_terms/payment_schedules/amount
- [x] payment_terms/payment_schedules/currency
- [x] payment_terms/payment_schedules/expected_payment_method
- [x] payment_terms/payment_schedules/completed_at
- [x] payment_terms/payment_schedules/issued_at
- [x] payment_terms/payment_schedules/due_at
- [x] payment_terms/due_in_days
- [x] po_number
- [x] user_id
- [x] processing_method
- [x] subtotal_price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] subtotal_price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] subtotal_price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] subtotal_price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] total_shipping_price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] total_shipping_price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] total_shipping_price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] total_shipping_price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] referring_site
- [x] shipping_address/phone
- [x] shipping_address/country
- [x] shipping_address/address1
- [x] shipping_address/address2
- [x] shipping_address/first_name
- [x] shipping_address/city
- [x] shipping_address/last_name
- [x] shipping_address/company
- [x] shipping_address/latitude
- [x] shipping_address/longitude
- [x] shipping_address/province
- [x] shipping_address/name
- [x] shipping_address/zip
- [x] shipping_address/country_code
- [x] shipping_address/province_code
- [x] shipping_lines/price
- [x] shipping_lines/code
- [x] shipping_lines/discounted_price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] shipping_lines/discounted_price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] shipping_lines/discounted_price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] shipping_lines/discounted_price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] shipping_lines/source
- [x] shipping_lines/requested_fulfillment_service_id
- [x] shipping_lines/price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] shipping_lines/price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] shipping_lines/price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] shipping_lines/price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] shipping_lines/discounted_price
- [x] shipping_lines/title
- [x] shipping_lines/carrier_identifier
- [x] source_name
- [x] source_identifier
- [x] subtotal_price
- [x] tags
- [x] tax_lines/price
- [x] tax_lines/rate
- [x] tax_lines/title
- [x] tax_lines/channel_liable
- [x] taxes_included
- [x] test
- [x] token
- [x] total_discounts_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] total_discounts_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] total_discounts_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] total_discounts_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] total_line_items_price_set/shop_money/amount
- [x] total_line_items_price_set/shop_money/currency_code
- [x] total_line_items_price_set/presentment_money/amount
- [x] total_line_items_price_set/presentment_money/currency_code
- [x] total_outstanding
- [x] order_status_url/order_status_url
- [x] total_price
- [x] total_tip_received
- [x] total_weight

  Shopify Discount

Product Discounts in Shopify let you create discounts for specific items. Options include using codes, for specific customers like B2B, and with purchase of other items.

Item Ext Discount has been added in import fields for invoices to receive this discount. This recieves a total discount for the line item used to reverse calculate the item price.

Please contact if you need this field elsewhere or any help.

  Chapter 22 Shopify Connect

This chapter describes Shopify Connect tools and features, which are found in System toolbar and tools. (6863)

Shopify Connect makes it easy to connect and share data with the ecommerce solution, Shopify. Setup is divided into three steps: Registration, Settings, and Mappings.

Shopify Connect is fully customizable, so there are some choices to make. To start, use basic settings to see how it works. Then revise your settings to get the results you want. Support includes unlimited setup help, and we are happy to connect and configure for you.

Registration is the first step. This turns on Shopify Connect and its tools. You will receive an email with Registration Code and step-by-step instructions for setup.

Settings is the next step, entering the credentials Shopify Connect needs. Open the Company card again and go to the Company Prefs tab and click the on the Shopify Settings button. Enter the appropriate settings, choosing Automatic for mappings.

Mappings let you change what goes where, if you need. Go to the Shopify tool on the System toolbar. Select a Mapping from the list and make needed changes. Then, click Save As... in the lower right and save your new Mapping ("MyShopifyOrders").

You can return to Settings in the Company Prefs tab of Company card to select your new Mappings and turn on Auto-Import when settings are complete. Or, go to the Shopify tool on the System toolbar to import a batch.

  Chapter 122 Shopify II

Shopify II extends the functionality of Shopify Connect for Big Business.

Options include support for:
• multiple connections
• Default Customer
• Customer Part Numbers

  Shopify Connect

Shopify Connect automatically connects Big Business to your Shopify store. Fully automatic and fully customizable, Shopify Connect lets you get new customers and orders as they come in, or in batches when you are ready to process.

This Solution provides a quick overview. (6625)

Shopify Connect is simple. It works like an Import to automatically create new customers and orders. It is fast, connecting to your store to retrieve new orders in an instant. And it is flexible, running by itself, or only when needed with a few clicks.

  Shopify II

Shopify II adds Advanced features for connecting to Shopify from Big Business.

One feature is having more than one connection. This could be for different stores on Shopify or another platform. Or, have separate automatic updates for inventory and click-to-import batches for orders. Shopify Connect settings include a Listing now.

Advanced Options like setting a Default Customer help you organize your results.

  Shopify Registering

This Solution describes Registering Shopify Connect. (6630)

To Register Shopify Connect:

1. Go to System toolbar, Company card, and click Upgrade.
2. Click Shopify to open the Registration dialog.
3. Enter your Registration code.
4. Click Continue.
5. Click OK on the Confirmation dialog.
6. Click OK to Save the Company card.
7. Quit and restart Big Business Client.

To register you will need a code from This lets us check for conflicts and send the right instructions before you turn on.

For the Demo File the Registration code is 2209. This works with the 1-User download that automatically opens the Jillian Jellybeans demo.

Please request a Trial code if you would like to test with your own Data File. Or, if you purchase Enterprise Edition, let us know when you are ready to go and we will send a permanent Registration code along with tailored setup instructions.

  Default Customer

Default Customer is a setting in Shopify II. If you don't import a Customer or the system doesn't find a match, the Default Customer is assigned to imported Orders.

You might create a Customer you call Shopify Orders for this purpose.

Within an Order you can import all contact information, so it is possible to use one Customer card for all Shopify orders. Or, catch errors where a customer is not found and correct any Orders set to the Default Customer.

  Shopify Setup

To connect Big Business to Shopify you need to log into your Shopify Admin to create a new Custom App and get an API Key and Password.

• Custom App settings let you control access to Shopify
• API Key and Password let Big Business connect

This Solution tells you how to generate custom app credentials for Shopify. (6631)

To create Custom App credentials for Shopify:
1. On your Shopify Admin, click Settings
2. Click the link to Apps and Sales Channels
3. Click the button to Develop Apps
4. Click the button to Create An App
5. Enter a Title, like "Big Business 14"
6. Click to Configure Admin API Scopes
7. For Orders click Write_Orders and Read_Orders
8. Click Save

Shopify will generate an API Key and Password that you enter into Big Business.

  Billing Name

Billing Name and Address are available for import when using Shopify II.

Fields include Billing Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone 1, Phone 2, Email, Attention, and Address 3, which match shipping fields.

If a Billing Name is imported, the Bill To copied from the Customer card is replaced.

  Shopify Settings

To connect Big Business needs an API Key and Password from Shopify. These are generated in the "Manage private app" setup described previously and copied into Shopify Settings in Big Business.

This Solution tells you how to enter private app credentials from Shopify into Big Business. (6632)

To Connect to Shopify:

1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company card, and click the Company Prefs tab.
2. Click the Shopify button and the Shopify settings, pictured, will open.
3. Enter a Description, like store-name
4. Enter your Admin URL, like
- include https with the ess at the end for secure
- include admin and slash at the end
- do not include key shown in format examples
5. Enter API key, copied from Private app settings.
6. Enter Password, copied from Private app settings.
7. Click Test button in the upper right to test the connection.
8. Click OK to Save settings and then click OK to Save the Company Card.

  Shopify Order Number

Shopify Connect pulls in Orders from Shopify, automatically or in batches. By default the Shopify Order Number is put into Customer PO Number in Big Business. This lets you keep your Order Number sequence and handling the same, but is not the only option.

This Solution provides a an overview of options. (6870)

Shopify Connect pulls in Orders from Shopify, automatically or in batches. By default the Shopify Order Number is put into Customer PO Number in Big Business. This lets you keep your Order Number sequence and handling the same, but is not the only option.

You can create your own Mapping for Shopify and put Order Number into Order Number in Big Business. If you choose this option you will want to turn Check Order # in Customer Prefs to catch any duplicates.

If you stick with putting Shopify Order Number into Customer PO Number in Big Business, you may want to turn on Check Customer PO # in Customer Prefs to warn you of any duplicates.

  Shopify Q&A

Shopify Connect automatically connects Big Business to your Shopify store. Fully automatic and fully customizable, Shopify Connect lets you get new customers and orders as they come in, or in batches when you are ready to process.

This Solution provides a quick overview. (6873)

Shopify Connect is simple. It works like an Import to automatically create new customers and orders. It is fast, connecting to your store to retrieve new orders in an instant. And it is flexible, running by itself, or only when needed with a few clicks.

  Shopify ID

Shopify Connect automatically connects Big Business to your Shopify store. Fully automatic and fully customizable, Shopify Connect lets you get new customers and orders as they come in, or in batches when you are ready to process.

Big Business 12.17 adds Shopify ID to Customers, Items, and Orders for fast linking and future features.

This Solution provides details. (7031)

Shopify Connect is simple. It works like an Import to automatically create new customers and orders. It is fast, connecting to your store to retrieve new orders in an instant. And it is flexible, running by itself, or only when needed with a few clicks.

Shopify ID is included in the Find for Customers, Items, and Orders with search options YES and NO, to quickly find those entries that use Shopify.

Shopify ID is now available to Add(+) as a Column in the results lists for Customers, Items, and Orders. This makes it possible to skip the Find dialog using the Live List setting and still quickly find those entries that use Shopify.

  Shopify Store

Shopify Connect can automatically assign a Store to new Orders being imported.

Stores is an option for Big Business to help manage sales by store--including your different locations, brands, or e-commerce sites. Stores replace Channels, adding features and ease of use like automatic accounting, cash drawers, and more

This Solution tells you how to enter credentials from Shopify into Big Business. (7916)

For Shopify Store Settings:

1. Go to the System toolbar, to the Company card, to the Connect Settings tab.
2. Click the Shopify button and select an entry in Shopify Listing to open.
3. Click the Advanced button to switch to Advanced Settings.
4. Set Store to the entry you want assigned to new Orders.
5. Click OK to Save settings and then click OK to Save the Company Card.

  Shopify Fields

Shopify Connect automatically connects Big Business to your Shopify store. Fully automatic and fully customizable, Shopify Connect lets you get new customers and orders as they come in, or in batches when you are ready to process.

Big Business 12.17 adds Shopify Fields like Tipping and Shipping, missing from the short list for custom mapping.

This Solution provides details. (7032)

Shopify Connect is simple. It works like an Import to automatically create new customers and orders. It is fast, connecting to your store to retrieve new orders in an instant. And it is flexible, running by itself, or only when needed with a few clicks.

Shopify Fields include most of the fields found on an Order, including Customer and Product information. Extraneous entries, like currency-specific options, are not included.

  Credit Limit

Shopify Connect automatically connects Big Business to your Shopify store. Fully automatic and fully customizable, Shopify Connect lets you get new customers and orders as they come in, or in batches when you are ready to process.

Big Business 12.18 fixes Import Customers, used by Shopify Connect and other modules that "import" customers, to set the Default Credit Limit. This may help you manage risk for chargeback.

This Solution provides details. (7035)

Shopify Connect is simple. It works like an Import to automatically create new customers and orders. It is fast, connecting to your store to retrieve new orders in an instant. And it is flexible, running by itself, or only when needed with a few clicks.

Shopify customers that are new can be automatically imported into Big Business. This process now sets their Credit Limit using the Default Credit Limit found in Customer Prefs.

  Shopify Maps

Shopify Connect automatically connects Big Business to your Shopify store. Using the Shopify tool on the System toolbar you can view and edit Shopify Maps to make needed changes.

For example, the Automatic setting for Import Orders brings in Item and Qty but not Price. If you have a special price on Shopify, click to include it and Save As... MyShopifyOrders. Then in Shopify Settings select your import.

This Solution provides details. (7107)

To add Price to Orders:
1. Click Shopify tool on System toolbar
2. Choose Import Orders As Sales Orders
3. Select orders/line_items/price on the left and -Price on the right and click Insert button
4. Click Save As... button in the lower right and give your import a name (ShopifyPrice)
5. Go to Company card, Prefs tab, Shopify settings
6. For Import Order change to your new mapping (ShopifyPrice).

  Shopify API

Big Business can report Deprecated Calls for the Shopify API you are currently using. Just click the Report button in Shopify Setup and the Paste the result into an email and we can help you update to a more current API version, if needed.

To report Deprecated Calls to the Shopify API:
1. Go to Company card, Prefs, Shopify Setup
2. Click the Report button and enter your API version
3. OK the Copied! dialog and Paste into an email

  Shopify Error

Shopify Connect will respond with an Error if there are any problems with a request. If you turn on Auto-Connect you will receive any errors in a Note.

Big Business 11.17 requires that you map IDs (error pictured).

This Solution provides details. (6853)

Shopify Connect will respond with an Error if there are any problems with a request. If you turn on Auto-Connect you will receive any errors in a Note.

For example, Shopify Connect requires that you map IDs. This is done for you when you choose Automatic or create a new Mapping.

If you have an older mapping from a previous version, or you edit the mapping to not include IDs, or there is a problem with alignment, you may get this error.