Double-Click Prefs

Double-Click Prefs let you override new double-click feature to drill-down to an Item.

Double-Click Prefs control what happens when you double-click on an existing line item.

Choices for Double-Click Prefs are:
• System Setting (uses your company setting or default setting)
• Select (normal, old behavior such as select text)
• Drill-Down (new default behavior to go to the Item card)

To set your Double-Click Prefs:
1. On Employee toolbar go to My Prefs, to User Settings
2. For Double-Click Prefs choose a setting
3. Click OK to save My Prefs

To set Double-Click Prefs for your company:
1. Go to the Company card to the Company Prefs tab
2. For Double-Click Prefs choose a setting
3. Click OK to save the Company Card


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