The Refund tool automatically creates refund checks for:
Unapplied Payments - unused customer deposits and overpayments
Negative Balance Invoices - unused credit memos and returns
This Solution describes this feature. (6545, 30123)
The Refund tool automatically creates refund checks for:
Unapplied Payments - unused customer deposits and overpayments
Negative Balance Invoices - unused credit memos and returns
To enable the Refund tool:
1. Go to Customer Prefs
2. Click on Customer Card Prefs
3. Click the checkbox for Refunds
4. Click OK and OK to save
Restart Big Business and the Refund tool will appear on the Customer toolbar.
To Use the Refund tool:
1. Click on the Refund tool on the Customer toolbar
2. On the Customer Search, Find All customers, or a specific one, or just those with a Balance that is Less Than $0.00.
3. On the Banking dialog select Bank Account and change Check Date or Payment Method as needed.
4. On the Select Payments to Create dialog choose items (Unapplied Payments and Negative Balance Invoices) to refund.
5. Print or Review the checks created.
Before using Refund, go to Q&A, Receipts and double-click, Which Payments Were Received And Not Fully Applied?, to see if there are any payments that should be applied to existing invoices so they do not show up in Refunds.