Using Toolbars

Using Toolbars (6347)

The toolbar offers an easy way to see and use the features of Big Business. It contains a toolbar icon along with tools representing different windows and features.
There are several ways to change from one toolbar to another:
• By using the toolbar pulldown menu the toolbar icon
• Choosing a toolbar from the Toolbar menu
• Typing Command-T (next) or Shift-Command-T (previous)

When you change toolbars, you have access to a different set of tools. Clicking a tool opens a window. In some cases, a dialog box appears first. For example, when you click the Vendor Card tool, you see a dialog box that lists all of the Vendor Cards that have already been saved. You can choose the card you want or create a new one.

To change toolbars:

1. Click the toolbar name to open the pulldown menu.
A list of toolbars appears.

2. Select the toolbar you want.


Open A Window

Next: To Open a Window from the Toolbar

  Chapter 2 Basics

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