Secure Credit Cards, Show List

This Solution describes the Secure Credit Cards option to Show List, which lets you select from a list of a Customer's credit cards, without displaying sensitive data. Show List includes Cardholder, Last Four, Expiry, Description, and Last Used. (6170)

The Secure Credit Cards option to Show List lets you select from a list of a Customer's credit cards, without displaying sensitive data.

Show List includes:

• Cardholder - the name that appears on the card

• Last Four - the last four digits of the credit card number

• Expiry - an indicator that displays: OK, Expired, or Check, if the card expires within 60 days

• Description - is automatically filled in with credit card type and can be used for any other information that might help to identify cards.


Next: Secure Credit Cards, Cannot Edit

  Chapter 35 Secure Credit Cards

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