Currencies Overview

The Multi-Currency Add-On is an additional module for Big Business that supports transactions in foreign currencies.

This Solution describes its functionality. (5963)

The Foreign Cost is recorded on the Item Card History for use on future purchases:

The Multi-Currency Add-On is an additional module for Big Business that supports transactions in foreign currencies. As of this writing, it supports purchases in a foreign currency with the following features:

• Registering the Multi-Currency Add-On, permanently or in Trial Mode. Contact Big Business Support for a Trial Code or to purchase the Add-On.

• Creating one or more Foreign Currencies along with a three-letter Code, Exchange Rate, and a Display Color so they are readily identifiable on transactions.

• Creating one or more Accounts Payable Accounts in a foreign currency and automatically creating matching Exchange Accounts.

• Creating one or more Vendors in a foreign currency.

• Creating Purchase Orders, Bills, and Make A Payment entries in a foreign currency.

• Automatically accounting for a Gain or Loss as a result of a change in a foreign currency Exchange Rate.

• Tracking the Foreign Cost of an Item, along with its native Cost, so that either can be automatically added to a Purchase Order or Bill, as needed.

The cost of the Multi-Currency Add-On subsidizes its support and further development for those who find it beneficial.


Next: Currencies Basics

  Chapter 52 Currencies

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