Item Adjustment Import Fields

This Solution describes the fields that can be imported as Item Adjustments.


Prior to importing information into Big Business, you need to prepare a tab delimited text file containing the necessary information. This is easily done using a spread sheet application with columns matching the fields below, and each Item on a separate row. Then save the data from the spreadsheet using Save As... and selecting Text (tab-delimited) as the type.

Item Adjustment Import Fields (and Formats):

Item Code (I), Description1 (I), Description2 (I), Adjustment (#5), New Quantity (#5), Unit Cost (#3)


Import an Adjustment quantity, or import a New Quantity to have the Adjustment calculated automatically, but not both.


(I) accepts any valid selection from the Item List.
(#5) accepts any number upto 5 decimal places.


  Chapter 11 System

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