Auto-Enter Qty

Big Business can automatically set the quantity on a new line to:
• Last Entry - automatically enters the last Qty entered by the User
• Zero (0) - automatically enters zero.
• One (1) - automatically enters one.

This solution describes the Auto-Enter Qty setting. (5802)

Big Business includes a global setting for the Auto-Enter Qty for new line items, on the Employee Preferences. The setting, Last Entry, automatically repeats the last quantity entered for a new line item. You might save time by changing to an automatic entry of one (1), or force employees to check every quantity by changing the automatic entry to zero (0).

To Set the Auto-Enter Quantity (for all Users):

1. Go to the Employee toolbar.
2. Open the Employee Prefs
3. From the Auto-Enter Quantity pull-down select an entry:
• Last Entry - automatically enters the last Qty entered by the User
• Zero (0) - automatically enters zero.
• One (1) - automatically enters one.
4. Click OK to save the Employee Prefs.

Choosing Zero (0) may reduce data entry errors by forcing the user to enter a Qty to complete an order. Choosing One (1) may speed data entry if this is the most common quantity.


Auto-Enter Qty Default
Auto-Enter Qty Error

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