This Solution describes the fields that can be imported as Miscellaneous Sales.
Prior to importing information into Big Business, you need to prepare a tab delimited text file containing the necessary information. This is easily done using a spread sheet application with columns matching the fields below, and each Item on a separate row. Then save the data from the spreadsheet using Save As... and selecting Text (tab-delimited) as the type.
Miscellaneous Sales Import Fields (and Formats):
Date (Date), Invoice# (10), Customer (CL), Amount, PO#/Comments (16), Department (DL), Salesperson (EL)
(Date) accepts the format "mm/dd/yy" only; defaults to blank.
(10) accepts up to 10 characters; extra characters removed.
(CL) accepts any valid selection from the Customer Listing.
(DL) accepts any valid selection from the Department List.
(EL) accepts any valid selection from the Employee Listing.