Setting User Preferences

Big Business includes per-User Preferences. They are found in Notes Prefs and include:

• Default Window Size - used by new resizable window
• Tool Tips - to hide or show the yellow Tips for fields and tools
• Default Sort Order - choose Descending to show recent items first in sorted lists (5652)

Big Business includes per-User Preferences. They are found in Notes Prefs and include:

Default Window Size lets you select your screen size, so that resizable windows will open to an appropriate size. Select a size from pop-down menu.

Tool Tips allows you to turn off the yellow Tips which appear when you hold your pointer over a tool or field. To keep Tool Tips from appearing, choose "Don't Show" from the pop-down menu.

Default Sort Order lets you change the default sort order for searches and histories to "Descending." Choose "Descending" from the pop-down menu to have displays sorted with the most recent entries at the top.

Note that these settings are specific to a Sign-In name. Changing your User Preferences will not affect other users. For Big Business Server, your settings will follow you when you Sign-In from different workstations. Also note that changes to User Prefs do not affect open windows.

Additional User Preferences, added in Big Business 4, are covered in Chapter 22.


  Chapter 85 User Settings

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