Big Business includes per-User Preferences. They are found in Notes Prefs and include:
Default Window Size - used by new resizable window
Tool Tips - to hide or show the yellow Tips for fields and tools
Default Sort Order - choose Descending to show recent items first in sorted lists (5652)
Big Business includes per-User Preferences. They are found in Notes Prefs and include:
Default Window Size lets you select your screen size, so that resizable windows will open to an appropriate size. Select a size from pop-down menu.
Tool Tips allows you to turn off the yellow Tips which appear when you hold your pointer over a tool or field. To keep Tool Tips from appearing, choose "Don't Show" from the pop-down menu.
Default Sort Order lets you change the default sort order for searches and histories to "Descending." Choose "Descending" from the pop-down menu to have displays sorted with the most recent entries at the top.
Note that these settings are specific to a Sign-In name. Changing your User Preferences will not affect other users. For Big Business Server, your settings will follow you when you Sign-In from different workstations. Also note that changes to User Prefs do not affect open windows.
Additional User Preferences, added in Big Business 4, are covered in Chapter 22.