Import Fields: Items

This document describes the Item data which can be imported into Big Business, along with a description of action taken if the data does not meet the required format.

Prior to importing information into Big Business, you need to prepare a tab delimited text file containing the necessary information. Each field to be imported must be separated by a tab, and each record must be separated by a return. This is easily done using a spread sheet.

Import Fields: Items (5161)

Prior to importing information into Big Business, you need to prepare a tab delimited text file containing the necessary information. This is easily done using a spread sheet application with columns matching the fields below, and each Item on a separate row. Then save the data from the spreadsheet using Save As... and selecting Text (tab-delimited) as the type.

Item Import Fields:

Item Code (18), Description 1 (24), Description 2 (24), Level 1 Price, Level 2 Price, Level 3 Price, Level 4 Price, Level 5 Price, Buy Item (T/F), Inventory Item (T/F), Sell Item (T/F), Expense Category, Asset Category, Cost of Goods Category, Taxable (T/F), Item Type (24), Vendor Name (VL), Vendor Part # (16), Order at Least, When Below, Ship Weight, Cost, Quantity on Hand*, Last Bought* (Date), Last Sold* (Date), Average Cost*, Total Cost*, Detail Description (Text), Custom Field 1 (32),...Custom Field 12 (32).


* indicates a field that in available when importing during the initial Setup of your data file, but not during normal operation. Use the Item Adjustment imports to update quantities.


(18) accepts up to 18 characters; extra characters removed.
(T/F) accepts True, False, Yes, No, 1, or 0; defaults to True.
(CA) accepts any valid selection from the Chart of Accounts; or else default.
(VL) accepts any valid selection from the Vendor Listing.
(Date) accepts the format "mm/dd/yy" only; defaults to blank.
(Text) accepts up to 32,000 characters.


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