CheckMark Payroll (Win): Ledger and Employee Setup

Setting up CheckMark Payroll's Ledger and Employee information to work with Big Business requires some initial attention to detail, to assure accounts and employee information match in both programs.

Once set up correctly, you need only process your payroll in CheckMark and export the data for import to Big Business. Remember to get CheckMark's annual updates for payroll changes, and keep backups of you data from both programs. (3451)

Set Up CheckMark's Ledger Accounts to Match Big Business:

Follow CheckMark's documentation to setup your company payroll.

During Ledger Setup:

• Enter Big Business Account Codes. For example, the cash account listed in the picture is Big Business Bank Account, "1020 Checking," so the account code entered is, "1020."

• If your payroll setup requires accounts not currently specified in Big Business, print a Chart of Accounts from Big Business Reports for reference. Create the necessary accounts in Big Business:
-Use the Account Card on the Bookkeeper toolbar for most accounts.
-Use the Bank Card tool on the Banking toolbar to create bank accounts.

Employee Setup:

• Enter Employee Social Security numbers identically into CheckMark and Big Business!


Next: CheckMark Payroll (Mac): Setup

  Chapter 707 Checkmark Payroll

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