Big Business allows you to paste in your own company's artwork or logo so that it will print on the built in forms. This solution outlines the process of entering your own graphic so that it will appear on the built in forms. (3289)
If you paste your Company Logo into Printed Forms Artwork, Big Business will add your logo, instead of your contact information, to Plain Paper Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Purchase Orders, and Bills.
To add your logo to Built-In Forms:
1. From a graphics-capable application, select your logo and Copy (Edit>Copy)it.
2. From Big Business's Maintenance toolbar, select the Company Card.
3. Click in the Printed Forms Artwork field.
4. Paste your new artwork by using the Paste command in the Edit menu.
To remove Artwork, select it, then use the Cut command in the Edit menu.
Printed Forms Artwork prints out 4.75 inches wide by 1.5 inches high. Big Business automatically scales your logo if it exceeds this size. Consequently, you can create a higher resolution image, using a screen resolution (72dpi) paint application, by increasing the initial size of your canvas:
342 by 108 pixels is the 72dpi "size" of Printed Forms Artwork.
1368 by 432 pixels, or 19" x 6" at 72 dpi, will yield 288 dpi when scaled.
734 by 216, or 9.5" x 3" at 72 dpi, will yield 144 dpi when scaled.
Experiment with different logos to find the optimal settings. Larger images, higher resolution, color, and complexity will increase print times. Only images which can be copied and pasted (bitmaps) can be added. EPS will need to be converted.
NOTE: Be sure to include your contact information in your logo.