Big Business 2.5 allows you to Batch Delete Customer Cards which have no transactions. Because this Delete is permanent, you should exercise proper caution in its use. Customers with any transaction history cannot be deleted. Refer to the section on Employee Access Privileges for restricting Access to the Batch Delete tool. You may also want to Back Up your Company data file, or export the selection of Customer Cards you are attempting to Delete, prior to deleting them.
To Batch Delete Customers, using the Customer QuickSearch:
1. Find the selection of Customer Cards to Delete.
2. Click the Batch Delete tool to Delete all Customer Cards in the current Customer List.
Big Business will display a confirmation dialogue offering to Continue or Cancel.
3. Select Continue to attempt to permanently Delete all Customers in the selection.
Big Business will display those Customers who could not be deleted.
If you select one Customer in the List and click Batch Delete, Big Business will display a dialogue with a choice of Deleting the selected Customer, Deleting all Customers in the List, or Canceling.
If there are Customers in your selection which could not be Deleted because they are used in related transactions, Big Business will provide you a list of those Customers which could not be Deleted.
This feature is designed to clean up erroneous imports of Customers and Customers who have no transactions. Using the Import Tag feature in Big Business (e.g. "Imported 3/22/99") you can find all Customers in an import with a Customer QuickSearch.