Using Other Charges for Second Tax

The Calculation of Other Charges on a Big Business Quote, Sales Order or Invoice can be used in a variety of ways including:

-Automatically entering a “Fixed Amount” to be included in the Total, but excluded from the Subtotal and Tax (e.g. flat handling charge)
-Calculating a “Percentage of Subtotal” (e.g. Discount, Surcharge, Freight by value)
-Calculating a “Percentage of Taxable“ (e.g. a second tax, VAT, GST, regional tax)
-Calculating a “Percentage of Total“ (e.g. Discount, Surcharge, cumulative Tax)
-Calculating “Weight By” a dollar amount (e.g. Freight by weight)

This Solution describes creating a Second Tax using the Other Charges field. Look for other Solutions describing the other uses of Other Charges.

Select Show List from the Other Charges Pulldown to Create Other Charges

If your locale requires itemization of more than one tax, use the Other Charges field to calculate your second tax.

On a Quote, Sales Order, or Invoice:
1. Select Show List... from the Other Charges Pull-Down menu.
2. Click the Add button (+) to add a new definition.
3. Name your Other Charge.
The Other Charges Name will appear on printed sales transactions.
4. Select the method for Automatic Calculation.
For a Second Tax use Percentage of Taxable or Percentage of Total.
5. Define the Percentage (using a percentage not its decimal equivalent).
6. Select the appropriate Category.
7. Lock the Calculation to prevent the user from modifying the calculated amount.
8. Click the OK buttons to save your changes to Other Charges.

You can define as many Other Charges fields as you want.


  Chapter 320 Other Charges

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