Dupe is the new label for the Duplicate button. If you are ever in doubt, hover over it.
Rounded corners are a thing that happen automatically when rendering system objects. IOW, the buttons in the picture are made by macOS and decimate the word, Duplicate.
The goal is to preserve Compact Windows so you can hop between email and desktop. Drag from email or desktop into Docs or Images and you will forgive Dupe, Memory...
Cont is the new label for the Contacts button. This lets it show a Count, like Cont(3).
Forms Info was a button to display purchase info for preprinted forms from Deluxe.
Form Info was removed from the Print Options dialog and the information is moved.
Show Print Dialogs is the checkbox on the Print Options windows that shows dialogs.
BigBusiness is set to skip print dialogs, Page Setup and Print, and use recent settings. Click the checkbox only when you need change settings, or change back, to save time.