Folder Invoice Validation

Folder Connect helps you create valid invoices for automatic upload to online folders.

Used with procurement systems, the invoice needs to link items from the placed order. This is done automatically when you Convert the downloaded Order into an Invoice.

Formatting may require that there be at least one line item, for example, on the invoice. If the edited invoice does not meet validation requirements for upload it may not save.

  Folder Invoice Ready

Folder Connect helps you set invoices as Ready for auto-uploading to an online folder.

Invoices link to the Folder Connect account of converted Orders. Click Ready for one, or choose several in Invoices Search and use Update to set Ready to Yes and stand by.

Once Ready is set, if your Folder Connect account is set to Auto-Connect, within a few minutes Invoices should update from Ready to Sent, indicating they are uploaded.

  Invoices Response

Invoices Reponse is a column you can Add(+) on Invoices Search when using Update.

Using Update you can change many invoices at once. Changing data like a Department will show you locked records that could not be changed so you can review each in turn.

Using Update for a status like Ready, to send automatically, tries to change any it can. Those that cannot be changed yet to Ready, will show their Response, like Not Ready.

  Chapter 136 Online Stores

Stores help you automatically switch between walk-in or online stores to set defaults.

If you have two locations you want printouts from each to show their correct address. If you have two online stores, each may have its brand, contact, or accounting presets.

You may need accounting results by store; each with an Income Category or Sales Tax. Or, you might want Amazon, Ebay, and so on to have their own Payment Method(s).