Upload Errors

Upload Errors are reported on a Note sent to the designated user for the connection.

Items that could not be uploaded or linked are shown on the Items Search window.

  Windows Client

BigBusiness 15 Client for Windows runs in SDI mode and opens separate windows.

Windows Client does not have a background window so to start you see its icon with progress meter, scanning while it is loading, and then the Sign In dialog.

  Uplink Items

Uplink Items is using the Link-Only option to Update Products in your online stores.

On Items search, select some items and click Upload, choosing a connection if needed. Wait while BigBusiness connects to the selected store and finds matching SKUs.

Linked items will fill in the online store ID for the item, which you can see if you Add(+) a column to the Items List. Items that didn't find a match will be listed, first.

  Chapter 415 macOS Sequoia

This Chapter collects Solutions regarding macOS Sequoia, testing and developments.

To list chapter contents click the Chapter button on the right margin or at the bottom.

BigBusiness 15 will be certified for macOS Sequoia after it is released. Earlier versions of Big Business will not be certified or updated for macOS Sequoia.

  Live Inventory

Live Inventory helps you avoid online sales of items you have sold out of, elsewhere.

Using Upload or Uplink you let BigBusiness know which items to keep track of, live. Then, set E-commerce Connect options to Update Availability in your online stores.

Sales from one store, whether online or walk-in, will now update availablity in others.