Upload Selection

Upload Selection is updated for BigBusiness 15 to work across multiple Online Stores and work with Auto Pilot options to automate updates for catalogs and live inventory.

To use the Upload button, first make a selection of Items to link or add to online store. Command-click, Shift-click, or Command-A to select multiple items and click Upload.

Select a Connection, if needed, and confirm you want to Upload. The selection will change to any Items that were not able to be uploaded

  Upload Notes

Upload Notes are updated for BigBusiness 15 to work across multiple Online Stores and work with Auto Pilot options to automate updates for catalogs and live inventory.

On the Items search, the Upload button may be used to create new Products in your online stores, update existing Products, or link Products for live inventory updates.

Any Alerts are saved and sent as a Note to the Send-Notifications-To person for each store showing your store (bigsoftware2) as Subject and Alert (409, Product duplicate).

  Chapter 254 Upload Items

Upload Items is updated for BigBusiness 15 to work across multiple Online Stores and work with Auto Pilot options to automate updates for catalogs and live inventory.

On the Items search, the Upload button may be used to create new Products in your online stores, update existing Products, or link Products for live inventory updates.

This chapter describes the settings and options that determine how upload is handled.

  TaxCloud Connect

BigBusiness 15 will test connecting to TaxCloud, an online service for Sales Taxes.

  Chapter 241 TaxCloud Connect

BigBusiness 15 will test connecting to TaxCloud, an online service for Sales Taxes.