Customer Line Numbers

Line Numbers from customer PO's can be added to Orders and included on Invoices. This works for import and export to procurement systems where these are required.

To enable Customer Line Numbers:
1. Go to the Company Card to the Advanced tab.
2. Click the checkbox for Enable Customer Lines.
3. Click OK to save changes.

This will add Customer Line Number to the Mappings for Order and Invoices.

  Chapter 212 Customer Lines

Customer Lines helps track line item details needed in customer procurement systems.

Orders from PO's sent via EDI, cXML, etc. services may contain procurement system data such as line numbers that are replaced by your own but needed when you invoice.

Customer Lines adds Line Item, Line Units, Line Count, Line Number, Text 1, Text 2.

  Invoice Handling

Handling is a custom option for separating handling charges on a procurement Invoice.

Procurement options let you receive electronic PO's from customers and send invoices. These may require your sending Handling Charges as separate from Shipping Charges.

  Invoice Due Days

Due Days is a custom option for indicating a procurement Invoice's days for payment.

Procurement options let you receive electronic PO's from customers and send invoices.

  Invoice Ready

Ready is a custom option for indicating the procurement Invoice is ready to send back.

Procurement options let you receive electronic PO's from customers and send invoices.

  Invoice Sent

Sent is a status checkbox indicating a procurement Invoice has been sent automatically.

Procurement options let you receive electronic PO's from customers and send invoices. Sent lets you see that an invoice has been sent by Auto-Import, EDI, Folder Connect.

Add (+) a column on the Invoices Search and choose Sent or see it on the Shipping tab.

  Invoice Not Sent

Sent is a status checkbox indicating a procurement Invoice has been sent automatically.

Procurement options let you receive electronic PO's from customers and send invoices. Sent lets you see that an invoice has been sent by Auto-Import, EDI, Folder Connect.

If an invoice does not show Sent, it may be queued behind incoming orders. To send automatically, the Invoice must be created from an incoming order and be set as Ready.

  Invoice Attached

Where possible a procurement Invoice that was sent automatically is attached in Docs.

Procurement options let you receive electronic PO's from customers and send invoices. Docs keeps any attachments for Orders and Invoices and automatically includes these.

If an invoice was sent by Folder Connect you might find Invoice-Number.xml in Docs. This file is human-readable, with effort, and will confirm what was sent automatically.

  Chapter 243 Procurement Admin

Procurement options let you receive electronic PO's from customers and send invoices. This chapter pulls together results you would see and tools you would use to manage.