Contact Store

Contact Store is updated on Contact card to help you record the Store they come from.

Stores is an add-on to help you track multiple channels for sales, each with an identity. Store One might be your primary, while Store Two has a different address for printing.

Store Categories automate accounting, Cash Drawers tally deposits, and many Connect options like Ecwid, HubSpot, Shopify, or WooCommerce let you assign to keep track.

  Contacts Export

Contacts Export is updated to include fields you might need if using Import Contacts.

Added fields include Inactive, Store, Ship Attention, Ship Address 3/Department, Ship ID 1, Ship ID 2, Ship ID 3, and Comment. In Contacts Search, click Export, then All.

In Excel, go File, Open to open the export file and click Finish on Text Import Wizard. After making changes, Save As, Text (Tab delimited), and close the file before Import.

  Update Contacts Import

Update Contacts is a new import for making bulk changes to your existing Contacts.

Use Matching to choose the field to find existing Contacts, like Email, and map fields you want to change, like Ship ID 1. You might also create a Tag that helps you track.

In the picture, Contacts were exported, ShipID1 was added in Excel, and the file saved. Then, in System toolbar, Import, the file was chosen to Import Into, Update Contacts.