Flat Exports

Flat Exports remove formatting from exports for easy import to other systems.

This Solution describes its use. (6287)

Flat Exports are a customization to flatten exports for easy import to other systems.

For example, Items on Invoice Sorted By Item Detail is exported without headers and subtotals for each Item.

Hold the Shift key during Export to revert to the default format.

  CSV Import

You can use macOS Numbers to edit a spreadsheet and Export as CSV. Big Business imports CSV. This video shows how. (6749)

Big Business imports CSV files from any source. This video shows how to use macOS Numbers to edit and Export as CSV that Big Business can import.

  Cut Creator

Big Business could do more to set Export files to automatically open. This fell by the wayside when Apple cut Creator types. Both Mac and Windows now use File Extentions such .TXT to decide what app to open when a file is double-clicked.