Stores Changes

For Stores the big change was a rename from Channels. Stores automatically set your contact information on printouts and PDF's.

This Solution lists your choices for using Channels. (6818)

Channels are a new feature to help you connect with your different customers, like:
- customers of your wholesale or retail division
- customers who walk-in, phone-in, email, or buy online
- customers who need printouts or prefer emails

Channels let you set different contact information for your company, so an invoice might automatically print your "wholesale" info or your "retail" info depending on who it's going to.

To use this feature, start with the Channel tool on the System toolbar and create one with your "new" contact info. Then assign this Channel to a Customer or Contact, or a new Quote, Order, Invoice. When you Print it will automatically show your new contact info.

Big Business 11.15 fixes a problem carrying forward to an invoice without having Channel assigned to the Customer or Contact.


  Chapter 36 Stores

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