Big Business 5.0.8 adds more Advanced Printing Options. This Solution describes the Split feature in Settings. (5936)
Bug: Split does not work correctly on Windows in 5.0.8. This problem is fixed in 5.0.9.
The Advanced Print Options window adds columns and pulldown menus for Destinations and Settings. One of the choices in the Settings pulldown is Split. Split creates a new row for the selected form so it can be printed to two destinations. If the number of copies on the original row is greater than 1, Split deducts one copy from the original row and assigns one copy to the new row.
To Use Split, on the row of a form that you want to print to two destinations, choose Split from the Settings menu. If one or zero copies are selected on the original row, its number of copies will remain the same and the new row will be assigned zero copies. If two or more copies are selected on the original row, its number of copies will be reduced by one, and the new row will be assigned one copy.
Split can also be used in the Printing Defaults, such as the Invoice Printing Defaults found in the Customer Prefs, to create multiple rows for a form so they can readily to be sent, or preset to print to, multiple printers.