Big Business includes many Forms for printing. Using Advanced Print Options you can Hide Forms, like those that use Preprinted instead of blank paper. You can also hold the Shift key when printing to show all forms temporarily. (5924)
The Advanced Print Options window adds columns and pulldown menus for Destinations and Settings.
To Enable Advanced Print Options:
1. Sign-In to Big Business as the User you want to enable
2. From the Notes toolbar, select the Notes Prefs
3. Under Print Options select Advanced
To Hide a form, use the pulldown in the Settings column of the Advanced Print Options to select, Hide. When the Advanced Print Options window displays again, those forms marked with Hide will not appear.
To Hide the form from all users of Advanced Print Options, all the time, make your changes in the Printing Defaults, such as the Invoice Printing Defaults found in the Customer Preferences. These are the default settings loaded by all users at startup. If one user hides a form while printing, not in the defaults, the change will only last until the user signs out. When the user signs in again, the defaults are used.
To display the otherwise hidden forms, hold down the Shift key when Saving or Printing. If the Shift key is down when the Advanced Print Options display, all forms including those marked, Hide, will be displayed. In the Printing Defaults all forms display regardless, so the Shift key is only necessary when you are printing and need to select a form which has been hidden.
To remove the Hide setting from a form, use the Settings pulldown to select, Show.