Advanced Print Options: Selecting a Printer

Big Business 5.0.7 adds Advanced Printing Options to customer transactions. (5922)

The Advanced Print Options window adds columns and pulldown menus for Destinations and Settings.

To Enable Advanced Print Options:
1. Sign-In to Big Business as the User you want to enable
2. From the Notes toolbar, select the Notes Prefs
3. Under Print Options select Advanced

To select a printer, use the pulldown in the Destinations column to select a printer. When printing without the Show Dialogs checked, Big Business will automatically switch to the selected printer. The selected Destination will be remembered for printing this type of transaction until you restart Big Business or Switch Users.

Select the number of copies as usual:
- by clicking on a row to toggle between 1 and 0.
- double-clicking to show the dialog for number of copies
- highlighting a row then typing a number (0-9) on your keyboard

Do not select the Show Print Dialogs checkbox unless you want to disable the automatic switching to the chosen Destination. The Print Dialogs will show the default print settings, which can then be changed manually.


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