If you find the Font used in Big Business too small or too large, hard to read, or that long entires are cut off without displaying completely, you can select a new font in a smaller or larger size. This solution provides the details. (5761)
Big Business 9.8 updates these settings.
Each User can specify his or her choice of Font, Font Size, and Font Style. Suitability of a font choice is left to the discretion of the user. Larger font choices may not allow all data to be displayed.
To Select a Font:
1. Open the Notes Prefs from the Notes toolbar.
2. From the Field Font pop-up menu choose from the list of Fonts on your computer.
If you will be switching workstations, choose a font which resides on the other system as well.
3. Choose a Font Size and Font Style.
4. Save the Notes Prefs, then open a new window in another tool to see the results.
Font Styles usually include Plain, Bold, Italic, and Underline, but may not be available for all fonts. Additionally, Outline, Shadow, Condensed, and Extended are available on Mac workstations.
To restore default settings choose the Use Default entry at the top of the Field Font pop-up menu.