Custom Forms: Formatting Numbers

This Solution applies to the Custom Form Report tool only.

By default, dollar amounts on the Custom Form templates in Big Business are formatted to accommodate values upto $999,999.99. If an entry or calculated result exceeds this amount it will be displayed or printed as, "<<<<<<<<<".

For similar information on the built-in forms and Reports in Big Business, see the link below. (5674)

By default, dollar amounts on the Custom Form templates in Big Business are formatted to accommodate values upto $999,999.99. If an entry or calculated result exceeds this amount it will be displayed or printed as, "<<<<<<<<<".

To Change the Display of Numbers:

1. Double-Click on the Field or Variable

2. Insert the cursor into the Format field.

3. Make the appropriate changes.

4. Resize the field or variable to accommodate longer entries. This is most easily done by selecting the field and holding the Command (Apple or Ctrl) key while hitting the right arrow key on you keyboard to stretch the field.

5. Save your custom form/report.

For example, the default Format is, "###,###.00" which displays optional places (#) upto the hundred-thousand column and always displays pennies (.00). Changing this to "##,###,###.00" will allow the field to display results upto $99,999,999.99.


Next: Custom Forms: Printing Inverted

  Chapter 15 Custom Forms

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