Custom Forms: Printing

Printing Custom Forms and Reports (3269)

After you save a custom form or report, Big Business automatically makes it available as a print option in appropriate places. For example, if you create a new form using the Invoice Line Items Template, it will be available to print from the Invoice and Invoice QuickSearch tools.

To print a custom report or form:
• During the printing process, select the custom report or form in the Print Options dialog box.
• When creating a Custom Form always set the Page Setup!

Your Custom Form may also be selected in the appropriate Printing Defaults. For example, you may select a customized Invoice, which you have created and saved, to be be your default selection in an Invoice Print Option list.

To select a customized Invoice as a default layout when printing Invoices:
1. Open the Customer Prefs.
2. Select Invoice Printing Defaults.
3. Scroll to the bottom to find your customized Invoice layout.
4. Click once to select one copy; double-click to specify a number of copies.
5. Click the OK button to save Invoice Printing Defaults.
6. Click the OK button to save Customer Prefs.


Next: Custom Forms: Page Setup Alert

  Chapter 15 Custom Forms

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