Custom Forms: Date, Time, or Page Number

The Custom Form/Report Tool lets you include Date, Time, or Page Numbers. (3431)

To add the Date, Time, or Page Numbers to forms created with the Custom Form/Report tool:

1. Select the Field tool (rectangle with a diagonal)
2. Draw a rectangle, where you want the field to appear
The Field Selection window appears
3. Using the pulldown for Variable, select Date, Time or Page Number.
4. Use the Format pulldown to select formatting options
5. Check Page Setup from the (small) File menu and click OK.
If prompted to Adjust items, Allow the adjustments.

Always use “Save As...” to save a modified form. You may have damaged the form in your recent changes, and it’s much easier to go back an edit a previous version than to figure out what went wrong in your recent changes.

Always test Custom Forms from their place of use in the application. Printing from the Custom Form/Report tool may yield different results including printing 20 records!


Next: Custom Forms: Formatting Numbers

  Chapter 15 Custom Forms

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