If you want to access your Big Business workstation from a home computer, or portable like your iPad, tablet, iPhone, etc., you may need to configure your router or to allow the remote connection.
This Solution provides basic setup information. (6204)
On an office Mac:
1. Go to System Preferences, Network, click Advanced and go to TCP/IP to see the address of the Router.
On an office PC:
1. Go to the Command Prompt and type, "ipconfig, to see the address of the Default Gateway.
If addresses start with 10.0 or 192.168, they are private (internal) addresses used to share one public (outside) address. The trick is to find out your outside address and tell the router to send incoming requests to the internal address you want.
In a browser you can go to whatismyip.com (or a simlar service) to see your public IP address This is the outside address on your router, which you will enter in Big Business Client, Screen Sharing, or a VNC Viewer.
Before this will work, you must set the router to send incoming request to the computer you want.
In a browser go to the address of your router or gateway (e.g. Most routers have a browser interface and will ask for a password on a dialog saying, "you must log into ABC123", where ABC123 is the model of router you are using.
If you are not familiar with configuring your router (e.g. it was installed by a service provider) you can search the Internet for the model (ABC123) to find the documentation and help including the default Password and instructions for Port Forwarding (Virtual Serving, Pinholing, enabling Services, i.e. allowing incoming connections)
Setup the Port Forwarding (or similar) so your router sends VNC or Screen Sharing requests on port 5900 to the computer you want to access, or ports 19813 and 19814 for Big Business to your server computer.