Big Business 4 adds the ability to import:
Sales Order Line Items
Invoice Line Items
This Solution provides some of the rules these imports follow for:
Combining multiple line items on one transaction
Separating transactions for the same customer
Rebuilding Bill To and Ship To addresses
Big Business 4 adds imports for Sales Order Line Items and Invoice Line Items. In addition to importing from other systems, this allows importing from another copy of Big Business. Use the Save To Disk from the Invoice or Sales Order QuickSearch and Include Line Item Detail to see a good example of the format expected.
Each row of data that is imported is a Line Item. Data pertaining to the Invoice (or SO) should be repeated in the import file for each Line Item. When importing Other Charges, for example, which applies once to the transaction, the entry imported with the last Line Item is used. The only exception is the Customer Name which if blank is assumed to be the same Customer from the previous Line Item.
Line Items listing the same Customer Name (or blank) are assumed to be part of the same transaction, unless:
Invoice Number or Sales Order Number is imported and is different and not blank
PO Number is imported and is different and not blank
In other words, adjacent transactions for the same Customer Name will be combined unless the transaction number or PO number are imported to distinguish them. If importing from another system which generates an unique code for each order, import this to the PO# for future reference and to separate repeat orders.
When Ship To and Bill To are imported they are reconstituted. When you Save To Disk from Big Business is replaces the Carriage Returns found in the Bill To and Ship To addresses with Two Spaces (e.g. " "). When Importing a Bill To or Ship To address, the first three instances of Two Spaces are replace with Carriage Returns. From another system, export a four line address (up to 32 characters per line) by adding Two Spaces after each of the first three lines.
Import Sales Orders with Line Items
Invoice Line Item Import Fields